These days we see expressions of thanks coming from many different sources reminding us of various essential personnel doing jobs of many kinds. Included of course are the police and firemen, ambulance personnel, the military and medical professionals. Then the thank you reminders often go into thanking others also important for our society to function; jobs like teachers, sanitation workers, truck drivers, store shelf-stockers, cashiers and more.
However one very essential job description I rarely see getting thanks are caregivers. Many people with disabilities have caregivers they very much depend on. They might be a spouse, other family relationship, friends or support from their church or other organizations. Of course often caregivers are paid support people doing necessary and important tasks to have their person receive various kinds and levels of support.
I think both the volunteer and paid caregivers are real unsung heroes, who although certainly recognized and appreciated by those they help are often completely overlooked by most of us.
So YES! would like to be among the first to recognize, thank and praise these generous people. We would like you to share your tips, ideas and share resources concerning caregivers. Please send your comments and suggestions on this subject to Please title your email ” caregiver comments.” YES! will edit, select and post material we think would be useful to other caregivers.